

Year: 2019

Photos: 23

Text: Sara Occhipinti

Translation: Roberta Cuffolo

Design: Maggot brain

Print: Grafiche Antiga, Crocetta del Montello (TV)

Papers: Manifattura del Seveso Assuan Granate 5028 190 gr, Fedrigoni Sirio Color Pietra 140 gr, Ecopaper Magno Volume 115gr, Cyclus Offset 70 gr

ISBN: 978-88-943821-3-6

Print run: 250 + 25 special edition

Corpus ligneum

Corpus ligneum

Text: Francesca Alfano Miglietti

Year: 2018
Pages: 147
Photos: 62

Editor: Punto Marte



review by Franca Marri

Release: January 2017
Pages: 88
Photos: 25
Size: 32.5×24.7 cm

Languages: Italiano – english
Editor: Punto Marte

Graphics: Stefano Pallavisini



review by Franca Marri, Giuseppe O. Longo

Release: January 2017
Pages: 108
Photos: 40
Size: 28.5×28.5 cm

Languages: Italiano – english
Editor: Punto Marte

Graphics: Stefano Pallavisini

Le spose del mare

Le spose del mare

Exhibition book for caffè Florian, Venice

Text: Stefano Stipitivich
Year: 2016
Pages: 60

Morus Nigra

Morus Nigra

reviews by Gian Paolo Gri and Sabrina Zannier

Release: March 2016
Pages: 144
Photos: 56
Sizes: 28×28 cm

Languages: Italiano – english
Editor: Punto Marte

Graphics: Stefano Pallavisini

The heretic body

The heretic body

reviews by Francesca Agostinelli, Mario Benedetti, Angelo Bertani, Valentino Casolo, Guido Cecere, Mario Cresci, Cristina Feresin, Erica Kusterle, Mauro Pascolini, Alberto Princis, Ludovico Rebaudo, Pier Aldo Rovatti

Release: April 2015
Pages: 272

Editor: Punto Marte

Graphics: Ekostudio

Riti del corpo

Riti del corpo

review by Giuseppe O. Longo

Year: January 2015
Pages: 144
Photos: 70
Editor: Punto Marte

Abissi e basse maree

Abissi e basse maree

review by Angelo Bertani

Year: 2014
Pages: 108
Photos: 44
Editor: Punto Marte

I segni della metembiosi

I segni della metembiosi

reviews by Giuseppe O. Longo, Simone Furlani, Alessandro Minelli

Year: 2014
Pages: 132
Photos: 37
Editor: Venti d’arte